What Chipotle, Starbucks, and Chick-Fil-A Are Doing To Limit Person To Person Contact
Life is CRAZY right now. People dying, entire countries on lock down, toilet paper sold out everywhere. It feels like a very vivid, very bad dream. It’s not just our own health we have to be concerned of, but the health of everyone around us. You never know who you’re coming into contact with and who THEY come into contact with. People have kids, friends and family members with autoimmune disorders, parents who are over the age of 70! We are faced with the challenge of isolating ourselves as much as possible while trying to be as kind as possible when coming into contact with anyone else.
There are a bunch of businesses that are changing policies in order to help serve the public. From grocery stores, to gyms, to coffee shops and restaurants. The goal is to limit person to person contact and here’s a couple VERY popular establishments in our community that are doing their part.
Starbucks announced that they will be doing their part by closing some U.S. and Canada stores and initiating what they call “To Go Mode”. This means you won’t be able to sit down in the lobby or outside seating area of these Starbucks locations. You can still walk in to pick up your to go order and you can still use the drive thru. The locations that are remaining open will see a difference in small things that will make a huge difference like the condiment bar area and also the temporary ban of reusable cups.
Chipotle is offering free delivery to people who purchase an order of $10 or more on the app or on Chipotle.com. This is happening through the 31st of the month as of right now. Chipotle is also taking measures to keep patrons safe. Tamper evident seals will be added to all packages to ensure that food is secure as it’s being delivered. You can also add delivery instructions to create an order with more limited contact (for example, having the delivery person leave it outside your door). Some locations are even offering delivery AT the restaurant straight to your car so you don’t even have to go inside.
Chick-Fil-A is closing down its dining area to limit person to person contact. The drive thru will still be open for business during this time. They haven’t put a time frame on how long the dining areas will be closed.
In other news, still coronavirus related, I’ve noticed a lot of grocery stores are limiting the purchase of high demand items like toilet paper, wipes, paper towels, eggs, chicken etc. I still haven’t been able to find toilet paper but I went to Costco today and as I walked up, there was a white board that listed everything that was sold out which I really appreciated. The grocery stores have said if you get there when they open, thats your best chance of getting those high demand items. I might have to try that tomorrow. A lot of local restaurants are offering deliveries or curb side pick up as well.